Database Transactions Under The Hood: Understanding the Core Processes

Joshua Idunnu Paul
3 min readAug 15, 2024



In the world of application development, it’s common to wrap critical operations inside a database transaction. Frameworks like Laravel make it easy with a simple method call, giving developers a straightforward way to ensure that either all changes succeed or none do. But what really happens behind the scenes when you initiate a database transaction? Understanding the underlying mechanics can provide deeper insights into performance optimization, debugging, and database management. If you need a foundational understanding of what database transactions are, feel free to check out my previous article on database transactions.

This article takes a deeper dive into the inner workings of database transactions, peeling back the layers to reveal the processes that ensure data reliability.

The Core Stages of a Database Transaction

1. Beginning the Transaction

When you initiate a transaction, it’s more than just marking the start of a block of code. The database engine immediately starts reserving resources and setting up buffers to handle the operations that follow. Depending on the configuration and the isolation level, the database may place locks on certain rows, tables, or even indexes to prevent conflicts with other transactions. These locks are essential for maintaining consistency and isolation between concurrent operations.

2. The Commit Process

Once all operations within the transaction are complete, you’ll typically commit the transaction to make the changes permanent. Here’s where the magic happens:

  • Write-Ahead Logging (WAL): Before writing the actual data changes to the database, most modern databases first log the changes in a transaction log. This ensures that in case of a system failure, the database can reconstruct the state by replaying these logs.
  • Flushing Changes: Once the logs are secure, the database proceeds to flush changes to the data storage. At this stage, locks are released, and the resources are freed up.

3. Rollback Mechanisms

What if something goes wrong during the transaction? The rollback process steps in to restore the database to its previous state. The database uses undo logs or versioning to discard partial or faulty changes. This ensures that the database remains consistent and no half-baked operations are saved.

Concurrency Control and Isolation Levels

When multiple transactions occur simultaneously, ensuring that they do not interfere with each other is a crucial task. This is managed by concurrency control and isolation levels.

Concurrency Control:

  • Pessimistic Locking: The database locks the data, preventing other transactions from accessing it until the first transaction is done.
  • Optimistic Locking: Instead of locking resources upfront, the database allows transactions to proceed, checking for conflicts only at the commit stage.

Isolation Levels:

  1. Read Uncommitted: Transactions can read uncommitted changes from others, leading to potential dirty reads.
  2. Read Committed: Only committed data is readable, preventing dirty reads but allowing non-repeatable reads.
  3. Repeatable Read: Ensures consistent reads within a transaction but may still allow phantom reads (new records).
  4. Serializable: The strictest level, ensuring full isolation, though it can impact performance.

ACID Principles in Action

The foundation of any reliable transaction system is the ACID properties:

  • Atomicity: Transactions are all-or-nothing; partial operations are rolled back.
  • Consistency: Transactions move the database from one valid state to another.
  • Isolation: Ensures transactions don’t affect each other’s intermediate states.
  • Durability: Once committed, changes survive power failures or crashes.

The database enforces these principles using the mechanisms we’ve discussed (locking, logging, rollback). For example, during a rollback, the atomicity principle ensures that none of the partial changes remain.

The Role of Transaction Logs

Transaction logs are at the heart of durability and recovery:

  • Redo Logs: Store the operations that need to be reapplied in case of failure.
  • Undo Logs: Maintain records of what needs to be undone if a rollback occurs.

These logs allow the database to recover from crashes, ensuring data is not lost. Logs are typically stored separately from the main data for added reliability.


Understanding the inner workings of database transactions equips you with knowledge to optimize your queries, diagnose issues, and make informed decisions when configuring your database. Whether you’re working on a small app or a large-scale system, knowing what’s happening under the hood gives you an edge. Start experimenting by adjusting isolation levels or simulating failures during transactions, and watch how your database handles it!

