The Power of Cache Tags in Laravel: 7 Reasons You Need Them Now

Joshua Idunnu Paul
5 min readSep 10, 2024


Imagine this: you’re running a successful e-commerce platform built on Laravel. Customers are browsing through categories of products, checking their accounts, and making purchases. Everything seems perfect… until a customer makes an update to a product description. Suddenly, your site’s cached data is outdated, and the changes aren’t reflected until the cache is manually cleared. You know clearing all the cache isn’t efficient either, because doing so would erase data you still need to store.

That’s where Cache Tags in Laravel come in, offering a more surgical approach to cache management.

In this post, we’ll dive into Laravel Cache Tags, explaining why they are essential, how to implement them with examples, and most importantly — when and why you should use them to boost your Laravel application’s performance.

What Are Cache Tags in Laravel?

Cache Tags in Laravel provide a fine-grained caching mechanism that allows you to assign multiple tags to cached data and later clear or update cache by tags rather than clearing the entire cache. This means you can cache related items under the same “tag” and then clear just those items when needed, avoiding the performance hit of clearing unrelated cached data.

For instance, in an e-commerce application, you could tag cached data like products, categories, and user accounts separately. When you need to update just a product, you can clear only the cached items tagged as “products,” leaving everything else intact.

Why You Need Cache Tags

Let’s revisit our e-commerce example. Your site relies on caching to ensure that your product listings load quickly. However, things get tricky when updates are made. Imagine a customer makes a bulk update to a specific category of products. Without cache tags, your only two options are:

1. Clear all the cache — leaving you with nothing cached until users browse through everything again.

2. Risk showing outdated information, because you didn’t clear the cache at all.

Neither is ideal. This is where cache tags shine. Instead of nuking your entire cache, you can target just the category of products that were updated. It saves time, reduces server load, and keeps your users happy.

Here’s a breakdown of how this works:

Before Cache Tags: You clear all cached products and categories when one product gets updated.

With Cache Tags: You only clear the cache for the products with the “electronics” tag if that’s the only category updated.

Benefits of Cache Tags in Laravel

1. Granular Cache Control

Cache Tags give you the power to selectively clear caches based on tags. Whether it’s a product, user, or specific category, you don’t have to blow away the entire cache.

2. Enhanced Application Performance

Your application performs faster because you’re maintaining cache for unrelated parts of your system. This saves bandwidth, server processing, and makes your site load quicker.

3. Reduced Server Load

Selective cache clearing means fewer cache rebuilds, reducing the load on your server. Imagine the difference between having to rebuild cache for one product versus your entire catalog of thousands of items.

4. Easier Cache Management for Large-Scale Apps

In a large application, clearing the cache globally isn’t feasible. Cache Tags allow you to handle cache invalidation at a more granular level, making it manageable for huge data sets.

Limitations of Cache Tags

While Cache Tags offer immense benefits, they come with a few limitations:

Supported Cache Drivers: Not all cache drivers in Laravel support cache tags. Drivers like Redis and Memcached work, but file, database, and array drivers do not.

Memory Overhead: Using cache tags can sometimes add a bit of overhead due to the extra data stored to manage the tags themselves.

Complexity: If overused, cache tags can make your caching strategy complex, making debugging or managing cache layers tricky.

When Should You Use Cache Tags?

It’s important to understand when cache tags are the right solution:

1. Dynamic Data with Selective Updates: If you’re running an app where specific sections of data change frequently (like e-commerce products or user accounts), cache tags help prevent cache invalidation across unrelated data.

2. Complex Applications: For large applications with multiple related but independent sections (e.g., e-commerce with products, users, orders, etc.), cache tags let you maintain clean and efficient cache management.

3. Optimizing Performance: When performance is critical, and clearing the entire cache would introduce latency, cache tags keep things fast.

How to Implement Cache Tags in Laravel: Code Samples

Let’s walk through how to implement Cache Tags in Laravel step by step.

Step 1: Configuring Cache Store

First, ensure you’re using a cache store that supports cache tags like Redis or Memcached. Configure your .env file to use the right cache driver:


Alternatively, you can use Memcached:


Step 2: Using Cache Tags

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Cache;

$products = Product::where('category', 'electronics')->get();

// Store products in the cache and tag them by category
Cache::tags(['electronics'])->put('products.electronics', $products, 600); // cache for 10 minutes

In this example, all electronic products are tagged as electronics. If you need to cache other categories, just add more tags.

You can retrieve the cached products like this:

$cachedProducts = Cache::tags(['electronics'])->get('products.electronics');

Step 3: Clearing Cache by Tags


This only clears the cache for products tagged with electronics, leaving other categories untouched.

Best Practices for Using Cache Tags

To maximize the benefits of cache tags, follow these best practices:

1. Use Descriptive Tag Names: When setting cache tags, use meaningful names like products, categories, users to ensure you can easily manage and clear the cache when needed.

2. Avoid Over-Tagging: Don’t tag every little piece of data unless absolutely necessary. Over-tagging can lead to complex cache structures that are harder to manage and debug.

3. Set Appropriate Expiration Times: Always set expiration times for your cached data to ensure your cache stays fresh, particularly when using tags.

4. Monitor Cache Performance: Use monitoring tools to keep an eye on cache performance. Overusing cache tags can sometimes lead to slower lookups, so ensure you strike the right balance.

Cache Tags in Laravel offer a powerful tool for managing your application’s cache in a way that’s efficient and targeted. Whether you’re managing a large-scale e-commerce site or a smaller web application, knowing when and how to implement cache tags can lead to major performance improvements.

By using Cache Tags, you gain granular control over your cache, prevent unnecessary cache clearing, and improve your app’s overall performance. Just remember: with great power comes great responsibility. Overuse or misuse of cache tags can complicate your caching strategy, so apply them wisely and monitor their impact on performance.

If you’re ready to level up your caching strategy, start integrating cache tags today and watch your Laravel app run smoother than ever.

